Thursday, May 29, 2014

Compliments: Why are they so hard to give to ourselves?

I recently challenged my group to create a 'Top Ten' list about themselves.  The list could include accomplishments, personal strengths, things they are most proud of, etc.  I told them that they could just write the list for themselves but to expect to be asked to share them with the rest of the group at some point.

The following day, I challenged the group to give themselves a compliment.  Again, it could be on anything, they just needed to mean it when they said it.  And, they HAD to post it!

Then I upped the game and asked them each to post their 'Top Ten' list on our private Facebook page the following day.  This is when it got interesting and when several of my clients expressed some stress and/or apprehension in completing this task.  One even asked, "Why is it so hard for us to compliment ourselves?"  I think this is the million dollar question when it comes to re-wiring your brain.  We all know that we have great qualities and we have done things that we are in fact proud of at some point in our lives but when it comes to actually listing them out and saying them to ourselves and others it is as though we lose our ability to think of a single one.  What are we are afraid of?  Why can't we acknowledge these things about ourselves with pride instead of a weird sense of guilt for feeling as though we are 'bragging' about ourselves?  What do we think would happend if we did compliment ourselves each day as well as acknowledge something great about our lives?  I believe you would have a better quality of life.  I believe you would wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on each day.  I believe you would find that bad days and bad moods would happen more infrequently.  I believe you would find great things would start happening in your life because of the positive vibes you are putting out into the world.

So, then the question is...what are you waiting for?  Write your own 'Top Ten', start giving yourself a compliment each day (REALLY MEAN IT) and pat yourself on the back for the accomplishments of each day.  You deserve it!  

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